We have created an comprehensive list of frequently asked questions that we often receive from our customers. If you cannot find the answer to your question, please feel free to contact us, and we will respond to you as soon as possible! We are always here to assist you and make sure that you have the best possible experience with our products and services.
Absolutely, but please rinse it ahead of time! You’ll receive a $0.25 discount for using your own cup.
Wildheart Coffee Company is available for delivery through Doordash and you can also call 307.689.9096 or order online to for pickup at any time.
We have freshly-baked goods daily.
Our food items are baked locally by Rex and his incredibly helpful mother, Carol.
With all of our items, there is a potential for slight cross-contamination of allergens between the different milks, baked goods, and other products we provide. Wildheart Coffee Company cannot guarantee that any specific item purchased is free from allergens.
When it is warm (over 50 degrees), we have a fire pit and adirondack chairs for you to relax at. We are looking forward to having more seating options soon.
We are as best we can be. Also, let Rex know if you’d like to use any coffee grounds for gardening. It makes great fertilizer!
Not currently.
We do! Both physical and e-gift cards
We do! By entering your phone number at payment you can start earning rewards for free products in the future.
We do! Currently, we have Spiced Apple Ciders, Peppermint Mochas, and Gingerbread White Mochas. We can also make Spicy Hot Chocolates with white or dark chocolate.
It’s always a good idea to start with a Latte or a Cappuccino and build from there. Rex’s current personal favorite is the seasonal Peppermint Mocha. Also, our cold brew is award-winning nation-wide.
Often, Rex carries gluten-free baked goods. We also provide soy, coconut, oat, and almond milk to cater to different dietary or allergen needs.
We offer chai lattes, hot teas (Black, Green and Herbal Rooibos), iced black tea, Italian Sodas, steamers, hot white or dark cocoas, and spiced apple ciders.
Wildheart Coffee Company exclusively serves Snowy Elk Coffee Roasters coffee, based right in Wyoming.